torsdag den 29. november 2012

Video games and movies: The quick absence from the everyday problems

Video games:
I think one of the main reasons why video games is a big part of the entertainment part of society, is because it makes you feel in control. You forget your everyday struggles and obligations for a period of time, and you focus on another world where you can be whoever you would like to be and to do things that’s not otherwise available for you to do. In this universe you can control the variables which are something that can be hard in the real world. By this I mean there’s so much subconscious that we do not fully have control over. It’s much easier to dive into another fantasy world than to deal with real life. In the real world we know that it will pay off in the long run, if we take an education and do all the things we are supposed to do. This can be a hard and uneasy effort. There are also factors as where you are born, and whether your parents are wealthy and educated or not, that will make an impact on your life as an adult. Even if you’re born into a well-off and well-read family you – like any other person – will have wins and losses in life. By playing video games you will be able to achieve and experience things which you would not be able to in daily living. Playing video games can give you a satisfaction and feeling of achieving a goal. It’s a fix to put away your day by day thoughts and instead experience an alternative world.

There’s a similarity between video games and movies when it comes to why they are such a big part of society. I think most people have a favorite movie which they have seen a lot of times. A movie in which they can relate to the characters and they can watch it over and over. Movies can – like video games – be a way to get away from everyday life. I assume most people would like a travel around the world and meet new people and cultures. But most people do not do this all this time because we are expected to act, behave and live our lives in a certain way. Some people work a job which they do not find enjoyable and only do it for the money. They spend most of their lives doing the things they are expected to do, so they in the end can use a little amount of time on doing what they really want. Grinding your way through life and work can sometimes be tough and it is not always a pleasant experience. Movies can be a fix where you can dive into another universe and meet new people and follow their lives throughout the movie. When you after a movie have ended think “Wow that was awesome”, you get a feeling of satisfaction. You get a feeling that you have gained something. Most people would like to live an adventurous life and experience new exotic places every day, but that’s not how the real world works. Movies can be a way to get these daring and explanatory experiences into our lives.

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